We Determine How We Are Remembered By The Way We Live Our Days

Thomas Dunn
Please email
I would like to reach out to thank everyone, especially those who almost immediately upon learning of Toms's death, selflessly reached out to myself and our girls with expressions of sympathy, love, and heartfelt kindness. Many of you sent flowers, food, and charitable donations in Tom’s name for which I am most grateful.
To the many others who took the time to send beautiful cards, handwritten notes or to reach out by phone or email I am also thankful. Your gestures provided light in a time of deep, dark sorrow.
It has been difficult for our family and Covid not only makes it unsafe to gather in the traditional end of life ceremony but emotionally isolates us and intensifies our levels of grief. Nonetheless, I assure you, Tom will be properly honored as he well deserved to be.
When we all can safely gather it is my intention to have a Celebration of Life gathering for our family and friends so that we may collectively pay tribute to his time with us and share memories and stories which praise Tom’s unique personality, his accomplishments, and his very personal contributions to our lives. I hope you will join me then.
Flowers, Food, Gifts, and Charitable Donations in Tom’s name
Bob Carrier
Margie, Mark, Michael and Marchese Decocinis
April Childs and Christine Olsen
Jamie Purdy, Rayleen Hudson, Heather Jacques Costa
Dave and Karen Johnson
Jamie and Larry Shemesh
Joanna and Billy Mignano
Gator, Christine, Nicholas and Christopher Bedard
Patti Blair and Family
Will and CeCe Despathy
Jay and Judy Winters
Josie Amato and Paul Amato
Shawna and Pete Barnard
Tom and Jane Medaglia
Mr. Justin Fareed
Chelsea and Adam Trenter
Leigh Pappalardo
Carolyn and Anna Mariano
Cards, Calls, and Emails
Cody and Ashley Fogwell, Danielle Bonvento, Paul and Anna Fuller, Jack and Diane Podlesny,
Lane Richardson, Kara and Dave Merrill, Catherine Dunn, Carol Emerton, Kay and Mel Lawson
Kathy Amato, Katie Perales, Staci Flanders, Dr. Leigh Simmons, Dr. Peter Rapoza, Ed and Rachael Larger
Patricia Dunn, Megan and Brian Armstrong, Karen Seaburg, Ericka Coles, Sean Sheppard, Paul Cormier
Linda LaJeunesse, Jack and Gwen Downing, Joel Greenfield, Arlean Damurjian, Robert Millett
Denise and Danny Donegan, Valerie Carter, Chris and Delana Braves, Dennis Carter, Scott Foley
Richard Keefe, Carol Ann Sharkey, Todd and Lori Alchin, Jeff Steckler, Nancy Mulcahey, David Maley
Penny Ouellette, Chelsea Watts, Rick and Tonya Lebel, Barbara Despathy
Michael, Michelle, Justin, Pat, Chris & Ryan Dunn of Norfolk, MA
July 14, 2020
It is still so unbelievable that we have lost Tom. When we heard the news we all just needed to still our hearts and listen...Tom’s voice, his laugh. How will we ever say goodbye to him? So many wonderful memories; best man at our wedding, Godfather to Christopher, family celebrations and the man who brought our family together. When we think of Tom, it will always be with a smile and a funny memory. Tom didn’t just come to the party, he was the party! We always said he should have his own one man show. You couldn’t find a kinder, gentler and joyous man, filled with love for family, life and Darlene. Tom knew how to find true joy in even the smallest of things. This will be part of his legacy. Dearest Tom, you will always be in our hearts, prayers and memories until we see you again. We love you.

Mark Despathy of Palm City, FL
July 10, 2020
Anyone who met Tom liked him immediately. This telling of some of his best attributes. He was never judgmental, was without pretense and looked to find common humor with everyone that he encountered. He was a father figure and friend to both Samantha and I, a grandpa to our son, and a good friend to me, and is irreplaceable to us all. We will keep him alive in our hearts and memories by doing those things that we had planned, by telling his stories and by embracing the world on as Tom did. I'm thankful for having had Tom in our lives. You will be forever missed Tom.
Paul Fuller of San Francisco California
July 7, 2020
Written May 26, 2020 Dearest Darlene, Sorry it has taken me so long to send our condolences. When Carol called and told me that Tommy had passed I had a hard time catching my breath. As kids growing up he was like my big brother. He was THE guy and never backed down from anyone. I would take note when the bigger kids would try to bully us and Tommy would give it right back to them. And as we grew that would came in handy when I would overhear "Don't mess with that kid.... he's Dunner's cousin." I regret not having more chances to spend time with you both these last few years. It seems that is always the case when we lose someone we love. When we met you Darlene, Anna and I both noticed you had made such a big change in Tommy. He was so happy and when he was happy he was at his very best. He was his warm, fun loving, lovable self and you were the one that made that happen. I want to thank you for that. The love that you two shared can never be wavered and in the end the love that I had for Tommy now passes on to you. I will miss him and will think of him often. As we go forward my hopes will be that we will give ourselves a chance to be together, so we can celebratethe ones we love the most. With much love, your cousin Paul.

Mark Despathy of Palm City, FL
July 10, 2020
Anyone who met Tom liked him immediately. This telling of some of his best attributes. He was never judgmental, was without pretense and looked to find common humor with everyone that he encountered. He was a father figure and friend to both Samantha and I, a grandpa to our son, and a good friend to me, and is irreplaceable to us all. We will keep him alive in our hearts and memories by doing those things that we had planned, by telling his stories and by embracing the world on as Tom did. I'm thankful for having had Tom in our lives. You will be forever missed Tom.
Allison French of Hampstead NH
July 7, 2020
Written May 8, 2020 I never thought this day would come where I would have to say goodbye to you. You were the Grampa I didn't have and my best friend. I will never forget your insane sunburns, your Makers Mark Manhattans and the crazy person you were. Thank you for being by my side throughout my life, and for always making me laugh. I miss you and I love you..... more than anything.

Christine Dunn of Winthrop Maine
July 7, 2020
Written May 12, 2020 My heart is shattered. I never thought I would be doing this, we still had plans. I love you Dad. You are my words of wisdom, my confidante, the one who talks me off the edge, the one I call when I need a laugh. This man was so full of life and passion, charisma, the funniest person in the room, he really did enjoy making other people laugh. He was an artist and a lover of the ocean. We'd stay up late drinking wine and talking about life. I'm so happy I have all these wonderful memories, but there are no words to describe how much I will miss him. He always made me feel safe. He was taller than the trees. He showed me my strength and most importantly he showed me how to be treated, he will always set the standard for love. He was so many things to me and all of my sisters. I love you Dad.
Joel Greenfield of Fort Lauderdale,Florida
June 28, 2020
I met Tom perhaps ten years ago on Newbury street Boston .My first impression of Tom ..wow what a great guy ..a real gentleman ... dnd the third was what struck me the most awe .. I saw this man who loved his partner .wife so honestly and do entirely selflessly.. He adored Darlene and the family so much that is was really beautiful I got to know Tom in the many years following And my opinion never ever changed What a lovely guy .. he will be missed by many What I loss to this world ... But I know he’s in heaven watching over us with all his Love and caring 🌹🌹🌹🌹
Margie DeCocinis of Hong Kong
June 27, 2020
In Loving memory of Thomas Dunn, Beloved Brother, Brother- in- law and Uncle. We love and miss you, Margie, Mark, Michael and Marchese
Samantha Despathy of Palm City FL
June 22, 2020
Father’s Day will never be the same without you. You were dad to me afterall for my whole adult Life. Without realizing it, the void was more than filled with you. I never realized that as intensely as I do now. Today I would have been telling you how special you are today and you would have kept the card in a special place. I didn’t know that until you passed away, how truly sentimental you are. Who would imagine that my mom finding her true love would bring so much joy into the my lives and my whole entire family? I didn’t realize for a long time how you completed our family, you just did. Being my husband’s best friend, the one who would toast with me, the most patient and loving Grampi, being my mom’s steady companion, helper and soul mate; I’m grateful for how you made every day better in so many ways for all of us. Thoughtful and serious, then also the life of the party, all in the course of a night. Your jovial nature always shined through whatever we were doing. People who spent time with you, who really listened learned those waters run deep. You cared passionately for people and the world around you, weren’t too proud to hug and kiss, gave kindness freely to others and showed us all how to be a little more carefree. We miss you everyday Grampi Tom. Your spirit hasn’t faded from our days and it seems like everything reminds me of you. I’m still waking up and thinking you can’t really be gone. We’re angry you were taken so suddenly, nothing is the same without you here. It turns out that our memories are keeping you alive in our hearts and your presence strangely returns to us when we need it. Rainbows, painted rocks and all the other Tom-isms. Our feelings loss stay heavy, not easing as the days pass. We only miss you more. For me Father’s Day was always more special because of you. I always have you a card and tried to share my love for you on this day. What I wanted you to know is that it was a gift and honor to have you in our family. I couldn’t have had a better dad! I will always treasure our memories and be grateful that you chose to love us like your own. We are lost without you, things will never be the same! I love you.
Christine Olsen
June 13, 2020
Tom, I am so sad and lost without you. I am having a really difficult time writing this for two reasons. One--it must be true and I don't want it to be. Two--you where my brother but so much more! You were my confidant, my football buddy. You were the family historian, storyteller and comedian. You could always surprise me or make me laugh with childhood remembrances that I had totally forgotten about. You always made a difference! There is a hole in the world now as you had a way of getting people to believe your stories even when you were making them up just to make us laugh. You will be missed and loved forever - I know the whole family feels the same way. All my love, Chris
Marchese DeCocinas of Winthrop Maine
June 12, 2020
Aunt Darlene, I want to express my condolences to you for the loss to all of us. The loss of the beacon of light and joy that was Uncle Tom. He was and still is the representation of everything good in this world. A representation of love, kindness, and happiness. He lived his life with the same curiosity, excitement, and mischief that a toddler does when seeing and exploring the world for the first time. He was the type of man where regardless of the mood you were going into an encounter with him, you always left with the same smile on your face that he met you with. Whether it was with a family member, a cashier at a store, or a waiter at a restaurant, he always radiated kindness that you could tell everyone absorbed. I know its a cliche but he spent every moment as it was his last, not in the careless sense, but cherishing every moment knowing that they were all important. Laughter was a language that he was fluent in, and a smile was his baseline expression. He was the guy that would be dancing at a family dinner as if it was his wedding night, and make the dinner go on for hours after everyone was done eating by entertaining everyone. If you had a conversation with him you felt like you were the most important person in the world to him, because you were. I am beyond heartbroken for this terrible loss, but beyond grateful to have had him in my life. I am so blessed to have been given an uncle named Tom. Love, love, and so much more love, Marchese.

Mark De Cocinis of Hong Kong
June 11, 2020
Dear Darlene, Thinking of you during this difficult time in your life with out Tom and praying for God to give you strength. Our family is stunned with his passing and searching to fill the hole in our hearts. I know that he is with God in a better place with a big smile which was Tom's signature. His smile was contagious, he was always positive, warm and engaging. He made you feel relaxed and focused on the joys of life and family. This picture of us in Cape Cod reflects the calm I felt with him away from my corporate job and enjoying our time with our family together. He embraced me as a brother from the first day we met. Tom's life lives on in all the treasured memories we have in our hearts forever. God bless you. Love, Mark and the De Cocinis family
Margie DeCocinis of Hong Kong
June 11, 2020
My brother Tom is an amazing soul and was a wonderful person on this earth. Tom was a man of integrity. Integrity does not mean being perfect. It means being honest, real and authentic. Tom was all of these things with a wonderful sense of humor and an ability to make people laugh. He exuded pure joy. He had a smile, personality and twinkle in his eye that would melt your heart and lift your spirits, which was his gift to all who had the privilege of knowing him. Integrity is a key to success. What is success in life? Being a true example of Gods love to one another. 1 John 4: 7-8 “ Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God. He that loves not knows not God; for God is love” Thomas Aquinas an Italian Theologian and one of my favorite philosophers wrote Love is “to will the good of the other for other.” Not for what you get out of it, as that is indirect egotism, but to truly want the best possible good for another person. Tom was like that. Tom was loved by many because he gave love. It’s in giving that you receive. Tom was a bright light in our lives. His light still shines in all of us. It cannot be diminished as we hold onto the shared experiences and valued moments that have become loving memories. When someone loves you, you carry that love forever, it never fades or goes away. Love endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13; 13 “And now these three remain, Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is love” When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. I am thankful for that treasure. The wonderful memories of Tom that I hold in my mind and heart I will cherish and revisit them often. He was a true blessing in my life, a kind, and loving brother. He is always in my heart, thoughts, and prayers. Rest in eternal peace sweet brother. I love you always and forever. Margie

Margie DeCocinis of Hong Kong
June 11, 2020
Dearest Darlene, You are in my waking thoughts and prayers. YOU were everything to Tom and he let that be known to me on so many occasions. I am so happy you found each other when you did. When you came into our family you were a welcomed blessing and touched all of our hearts as you captured Tom's. You created a life together and completed each other. Tom not only gained a loving life partner but two additional daughters, two son-in-laws, two grand daughters and a grandson from your side of the family. He always talked of Alyssa, Samantha, Emily, Allison, and Sterling with much love and pride. He also seemed to have a special bond with your son in law, Mark as he did with your dad as he would tell of their times together. with much love in his heart and a smile on his face. Tom was so engaging, funny, witty, and full of joy. Everyone in our family always loved being around him. He always lifted our spirits and made us all laugh. I am thankful he was loved by so many but am not surprised as he had so much love to give. When someone loves us we carry that love with us forever, it never fades or goes away. Love endures all things. I know how much he loved you and your entire family and how much you all loved him. That never can be taken away. He has that love for eternity and so do you. When I talked to him in March he was so happy you both had taken that trip to Europe, Especially Italy. He literally was coming through the phone with excitement as he shared the experience. I am grateful you both got to have that special time together. I choose to remember him always with a smile on my face and much love in my heart and know I will see him again in the next life. He made all of our lives brighter by just being in them. That is a gift. May he rest in eternal peace with our heavenly Father. God bless him always. I can’t begin to understand your loss. I pray you find time for your self to grieve, and heal. We are here for you if you need anything. May God bless you and keep you in his constant care. Love and prayers always, Margie and Mark
Michael DeCoconis of Australia
June 11, 2020
Dearest Aunt Darlene, First and foremost I just want to extend and share my condolences, sorrow and mourning. My prayers of solace are with you and our entire family as it was a direly devastating event to lose such a beautiful soul like Uncle Tom's. I have no doubts however that he is at peace in the paradisical afterlife promised by our Creator where we will be reunited with him once again one day. Uncle Tom was, is and always will be a true personification of joy. I cannot recall a single instance where I had seen him engulfed in any emotion that wasn't positive. Even in moments filled with the utter opposite of levity, his optimism and jovial nature shone like an unwavering beacon. His demeanor was truly inspiring and our shared memories always fill me with a sense of serenity and love. Love always, Michael

Christine Bedard
June 3, 2020
I am so saddened by the sudden loss of Tom, he was part of our family for 23 years. He was a wonderful kind man who loved life! I always had a fun times when I around Tom. He always had interesting stories to tell and would make me laugh. He was the life of the party and had a great sense of humor! I have great memories of our yearly Thanksgiving trips to New York City and our Holiday celebrations over the years. Tom was very special to my sister Darlene. He truly loved and cared for her. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
Gator Bedard
June 3, 2020
Tom’s sudden passing comes as a shock to all of us who’s lives he has touched along the way. He was such a special man in so many ways. One of the things I admired most about Tom was his passion. Whether it was family, friends, wine or even NYC sports, you could always count on Tom’s unwavering passion and loyalty. This passion was especially evident during major family events (weddings, graduations, etc.), where you could always count on Tom to ensure everyone felt included and they were partaking in the festivities. Some of the fondest memories I have of Tom are associated with the annual trips to NYC that Christine and I would share with Darlene and Tom. We would always catch a couple of popular plays, enjoy fine dining and do some of the NY touristy stuff. We all thoroughly enjoyed these trips. One of the funniest experiences we shared on one of these trips was when Tom decided we needed to stop at a NY Yankees store to buy a NY Yankees jersey with his great, great uncle’s name embroidered on the back, ‘Waite Hoyt’. Upon entering the store Tom approaches one of the sales people and enquired about their embroidery process, as if he knows anything about embroidery 😊. His main concern being, he didn’t want the letters to ever fall off the ~$150.00 jersey he was considering purchasing. Being the conversationalist that he is, within 5min we were surrounded by 3 sales people and the store manager. They convinced Tom that, between the adhesive that they use and the technologically advanced method of ironing, they guaranteed the letters would never fall off. With that Tom gave his approval along with the spelling on his great, great uncles name. Within 20min Tom completes his purchase and we are walking back to the hotel. Along the way I decided to ‘Google’ Waite’s name to check out the facts that Tom was sharing (bragging about) the entire weekend 😊. The first Google attempt returned “no information found”, so I ask Tom to show me the back of the jersey, to ensure I had the correct spelling. Therein lies the problem, Tom paid for one too many “T’s” in the spelling of Hoyt(t) 😊. Our first reaction was, we need to return to the store so they could fix the error, but Tom was quick to point out that he made too much of a stink about the letters never falling off. He preferred chucking the event up as another one of those humorous stories that will far out live the story that would have been told if he had gotten the spelling correct. I thought to myself, what a great outlook. Most people would have gotten upset about the situation but b/c of the way Tom handled it, here we are many years later still talking about it in such a positive light. What a legacy! Thank you for the love and laughter Tom we miss you dearly!
Denise Donegan of Atkinson NH
June 1, 2020
My husband and I had the privilege of spending a Saturday in March in Florida with Darlene and Tom. I will never forget that day! Usually when we are with them as couples there are others with us, so to really know Tom I didn’t. This Saturday was a perfect day. It was light, fun and very relaxing. Tom showed his easy going attitude with humor and acceptance. Learned about his charm when he first met Darlene. He is a genuine person with a giving heart! You couldn’t help but like him, I am so blessed to have had a great day with special friends, one that will put a warm smile on my face when Tom will be mentioned for days to come! To Darlene and his family, I am so sorry for your great loss. May you feel the love and comfort we send you with tender memories of Tom, a strong, funny, caring and genuine man...one of a kind, kinda guy. With much love and prayer....Dan and Denise Donegan
Jamie Purdy of Windham NH
May 29, 2020
Darlene, No words can express my condolences. I am so sad and it still doesn't feel real. My heart is aching for you. You are not just my boss but my work family. What you wrote about him was absolutely perfect. He did love his BMW. When he got the white SUV he was very excited to show me how fast it went. He comes over to me and was like Jamie..watch when I take off...it's so fast. He got in the car and I watched him race down 28. I am blessed to have known Tom. He was truly an amazing man. You are in my thoughts everyday. His smiling face will never be forgotten. 💙

Scott Foley of Manchester NH
May 29, 2020
Darlene, I’m so sorry to hear of Toms sudden passing. I would often see Tom on my many visits to meet with you and Elysa. He always went out of his way to make me feel welcome, important, and listened to. I’m a good read on people and all my brief interactions with Tom showed he was very genuine, authentic and could connect with people immediately. These rare qualities are truly a gift that Tom possessed. Your lucky to have shared so much time with him. You and family are in our thoughts, Scott
Jay Winters of Conway NH
May 29, 2020
I loved Tom Dunn. There is no getting around the terrible loss of this gentle soul. Tom was the most disarming person I ever meet. I can remember when he first arrived on the scene as Darlene’s new love interest. When we met him in Boston that first time, I was wary of this new guy bringing changes to someone that I thought already had a solid idea of life. It didn’t take very long to see how comfortable Tom was in his own skin, how self-assured and easy he was to be with. It wasn’t long before he won me over. He was a man’s man and a ladies’ man at the same time. You knew that he cared about you, in fact Tom was man-hugging long before it was the norm. Hell he’d even give me a peck on the cheek. Tom was a like a brother to me, albeit we didn’t see each other as often as I would have enjoyed, the time we did have was of real quality. There were countless dinners both at either of our homes or better still out at some great restaurants. There were also several vacations together here in New Hampshire as well as in Fort Lauderdale and most fun were the times we spent in Key West. On most important life days like family weddings, birthdays, or even sickness and funerals, Tom’s presents was always impactful. We did share a love of wine and good times Tom and I, and boy did we have some laughs. What a charmer our boy was. I think of all the conversations we had and the ones I was able to witness in various settings, it was so evident that Tom was engaged and compassionate. Quite a lover of his fellow man and he enjoyed his life to the fullest. His love for Darlene knew no bounds as did his love of family (and those he called family). I can offer very little in consolation for this great loss except to remind you how great his love for you was and that can never be taken from you. Once you’ve received that love, it is yours and yours forever. What can one ask about a life lived, I suppose we could ask; did that person bring light into the world? Man Tom was sun! Friends forever, Jay Winters
Carolann Sharkey of Lauderdale-by-the-Sea
May 27, 2020
I only knew Tom a “too short” time but loved his Incredible sense of humor. He wasn’t the group comic, but usually a great smiling listener. The trick was you had to really listen to his quiet humor which I think he did on purpose to see if anyone really was listening! If you were lucky enough, you were treated to some really funny comments. And That is when I got to know his incredible intelligence and meaningful insights. I will truly miss him because very few people I have met over the years ever had that Combination. Tom, wherever you are, I hope you can send that to us Somehow as we grieve your being gone. I hope we can wash the tears away with smiling memories.
Leigh Pappalardo
May 27, 2020
Darlene & Family, I am so saddened to hear of Tom's passing. My heart breaks for you all. I hope that your memories together provide you some comfort during these most difficult times. With love, Leigh Pappalardo
Thomas Medaglia Jr of 23 East Pearl Street, Nashua NH 03060
May 26, 2020
So sorry for your loss please accept our deepest sympathies from your Medaglia Family.
Todd & Staci Flanders of Northbridge MA
May 26, 2020
Darlene and Family - Todd and I are saddened of the loss of Tom. The grief and devastation you must all be feeling, is not lost on our hearts. While there are no words we can say to ease your pain, please know that you are all in our thoughts - we love you all.
Christine Frances Dunn of Winthrop, Maine
May 26, 2020
He had such a big heart, so much love to give. I will miss him for the rest of my life. No one was ready to loose him, He taught me that being rich was just simply being a good person and sharing laughs with the world. I love you Dad ❤️❤️❤️
Jeffrey Steckler of Yonkers, NY
May 26, 2020
Wishing you lots of love and sympathy.
Carlo and Jackie of Winthrop
May 26, 2020
Our deepest sympathy to Meghan,Kaitlyn and Christine on this loss of your Dad Know we are thinking of you and wish we could give each of you a hug Carlo and Jackie
Jack and Gwen Downing of Zanesville/Fort Lauderdale
May 25, 2020
Sincere condolences in the passing of Tom. May God comfort all.
Carolyn and Anna Mariano of Arizona
May 25, 2020
As all our hearts are filled with sadness because of Tom’s passing, we focus on how wonderful a man he was. Tom entered Darlene’s life and was a beacon for her and will always be an eternal light for her now. Tom was the most sincere, kind hearted, knowledgeable and entertaining man. He was versed in so many ways. We always looked forward to his visits, not only to spend time with him and Darlene, but to enjoy his special, made with love cheesecake. Every time I eat cheesecake , I always find myself saying to myself, “Tomas is better”. In everything he did, he set the level of the bar very high especially when it came to living and loving to its fullest. Our deepest condolences to Darlene and his family.
Paul Amato of Andover, MA
May 24, 2020
Tom was a wonderful man. I am very sorry for your loss.
Josephine L Amato of Methuen, MA
May 24, 2020
I'm very sorry for your loss, Darlene.